Thursday, January 19, 2012

My Baby You’ll Be


Everyday around noon, Lyla signs to me that she’s tired.  Like clockwork.  Smart little girl drags her hand slowly down her face, from her wispy dirty blonde hair sliding to the teething drool dripping off her miniature chin.  All while sighing,”Ahhhhh”.  Cutest thing you’ve ever seen.

We hike it upstairs to draw the blinds, except for the perfectly designed window behind our glider. The afternoon sunlight provides just enough beams to illuminate Elmo and showcase his lesson about the sun.  And again, Smartypants points to the 3D sun every time I say the word. Ok, this might be the cutest thing you’ve ever seen instead.

Soon enough, Lyla gets a few chugs from a bottle (that we’ve got to kick the habit on in the near future), and my mini-me melts her body unto mine and curls into my chest.  Right over my heart.  Just like she did as a newborn.  Tiny hand tucks under her chin like she’s posing in her sleep.  So in true photographer fashion, I took advantage of the photo opp this time.


Final decision – THIS is the cutest thing you’ll ever see.

My favorite part of the day.  My little girl letting her mama hold onto one of the seldom baby characteristics that are swiftly being replaced with independent toddler traits.  Insert one of our favorite naptime book lines here…

I’ll love you forever,

I’ll like you for always,

As long as you’re living,

My baby you’ll be.


  1. Yup, THAT'S the cutest thing ever :) So so sweet!
    I love that quote, it's on the wall of my younger daughter's nursery. That book makes me cry every. single. time.

    1. Same here with the water works & that book! Every time. Great post Jess!

  2. I think when there's moments of silence like this, THAT's when your brain gets to actually stop moving to pause and recognize the magic. Maybe we all just need a few more moments in the day for our brains to sit idle?

  3. Jess- I used to read that book to Jack (and Clare) and now he is almost 6 feet tall and talking about taking his road test.....cherish EVERY single moment - cliche but they do go by so damn fast!!

  4. Ah! You made me cry. Might be pregnancy hormones, but I think it is your writing and photography and Lyla's beauty.

  5. Ah! You made me cry. Might be pregnancy hormones, but I think it is your writing and photography and Lyla's beauty.
